
Pressnitztal in Winter

Pressnitztal in Winter

On a grey and snowy Sunday morning, you take over 99 1582-8 in the locomotive shed in Joehstadt where you have to prepare the steam locomotive for the journey to Wolkenstein. After making ready the engine and catching water, drive to the narrow-gauge platform and couple the coaches to pull passenger train 14290 from Joehstadt towards Wolkenstein.
[Date: 18th February 1979 | Duration: 105 mins | Difficulty: medium]

Download: | Requirement: Payware / Freeware rolling stock list


Pressnitztal in Summer

Pressnitztal in Summer

This Saturday you are the driver of the Flirt 3 (Fast Light Intercity and Regional Train) multiple unit from Westfalenbahn and you commute between Münster and Osnabruück. This local train also runs every hour on Advent weekends in order to bring all Christmas market visitors and Christmas shoppers home safely and comfortably.
[Date: 23rd July 1979 | Duration: 115 mins | Difficulty: medium]

Download: | Requirement: Payware / Freeware rolling stock list

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